Pink Waves

Pink Waves, £40, 18 x 13cm (7 x 5″), watercolour and gouache on watercolour paper

I have added a new wee one to my shops. It is available through Etsy, Artfinder, ArtGallery and nuMonday.

Through Purple Meadows

Through Purple Meadows, 41 x 36cm (16 x 14″), mixed media on watercolour paper

I have been experimenting again and ended up using gesso, indian ink, watercolour, gouache and pastel on this painting. It originally started out as wisteria. I don’t think there is a single remnant of that painting left. I’m much happier with this version.

Through Purple Meadows is for sale through all my shops Etsy, Artfinder, ArtGallery and now nuMonday.