Winter Field

Sometimes I love a scene so much, I have to paint it more than once. Here is my latest offering, Winter Field. Below it is an earlier version; and below that is the original photograph.



Winter Fields with is available for sale on all my shops – Etsy, Artfinder, artgallery, nuMonday, Art2Arts and Saatchi.


This painting is from the same source photo and is currently in Smithy Gallery.


And here is the original photograph that was used with permission from Lawrence Cornell Photography.

Blue Woods

Blue Woods, 18 x 13cm (7 x 5″), gouache on watercolour paper

I’m into blue at the moment. Ultramarine blue, phthalo blue and lots of blues in between. So I couldn’t resist painting a woodland scene in Prussian blue, my favourite of them all.

This wee painting is now available on Etsy, Artfinder and ArtGallery.

Field Grasses

I have been working on a series of paintings for exhibiting in the Smithy Gallery Christmas Exhibition which has its Private View on the 19th November.

This one is framed and ready to go.

Field Grasses, 23 x 18cm, mixed media on watercolour paper

The source image was supplied by Lawrence James Cornell.

Source Material

Sometimes I just go out for walks and wander about with my camera specifically looking for source material. I do like working out doors, but I can’t use mixed media while out there as the weather can be too unpredictable; so source photos are important to me.

Yesterday, I took quite a few photos, but one of the images works so well as a photograph that I don’t know how to begin to paint it.


I know the composition is a bit meh, but I love the colours, and the way the light hits all the leaves. It will take me a while to paint it I think, but I’ll let you know how I get on.


Been a Bit Busy…

I’ve been a bit quiet of late as I have quite a bit going on. So what have I been doing?

  • Going to Horatio’s Garden to work with patients as before.
  • Writing tutorials again (which I love doing). I’ll let you know as and when each one is published.
  • Painting away, getting as many wee paintings finished in time for Christmas (sorry to mention it so soon).
  • I am a winner in an international drawing competition so have been sorting out images and written materials for that (more details next year).
  • Smithy Gallery‘s Christmas Exhibition is opening on the 19th November and I have a number of paintings going in for that – and I have to get them all ready. This includes sorting out mounts and frames, getting new ones made, and, yuck, recycling old ones which takes up so much time.


I’m still thoroughly enjoying myself, though, I’m just a wee bit frantic.

Speak to you when things calm down a bit.